Monday, February 14, 2011

When Skipping Class Is OK?

While skipping classes is never the ideal way to get the most out of your college experience, there are some times when it’s acceptable to take a day off and play hooky. Of course, students shouldn’t abuse these days off, as there are few substitutes for going to class regularly and hearing the lectures your professor has to offer. Not only will it help you do better in class, it will also help you actually get your money’s worth from your education. But every once in awhile, staying at home or choosing to do something else rather than go to class can be OK. Here are some situations where you shouldn’t feel bad not going to class.

You’re sick. If you’re really sick, don’t go to class. Bottom line. You’ll make yourself sicker and you’ll get your classmates sick as well. It’s better to stay at home, email your professor and make up any work you have to do at a later time.

You have a family emergency. Whether it’s a death in the family, an illness or just something you really need to be there for like a wedding or birth, it’s fair to miss class. Your family and those close to you are important, so be there for them when you need to be. Your professors will understand.

You have to complete an important assignment. If you’ve gotten behind in work and really need to work on an important paper that counts for your entire grade then it might be OK to have a pass on skipping class for a day. You’re still doing schoolwork and sometimes you’ve just got to prioritize.

You have a job interview. You’re going to college with the long term goal of getting a job. If you’re a senior nearing graduation, you may already be looking for work and interviews could clash with your class schedule. Don’t feel too bad about missing a class, if employers are already interested in hiring you, you can’t be too bad off.

You haven’t missed a single day all semester. Sometimes you just get burnt out, tired and overworked and you need a day off. If you’ve never taken a break it doesn’t mean you have to, but if you feel like you need it, don’t give yourself grief about it. Just take a day to recover, relax and get back into things tomorrow.
It’s easy to make excuses for missing class, but sometimes you just need to take a day off whether for personal or professional reasons. Just don’t make skipping class a habit and you won’t have to feel guilty when you really need to take a day or two to yourself to get things done, rest or recover.


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